The Open Classics I Classics II

Player Name: Emanuela Gemelli (#306)

Best Entry (The Open) #1727
Game Score Points Rank
Meteor 237,710 338 155
Class of 1812 4,361,240 256 237
Radical 314,050 184 309
Dialed In 19,680 193 300
Cactus Canyon 10,934,820 353 140
Point Total 1324 286

Other Submitted Entries for The Open

Entry (The Open) #1728 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Cactus Canyon 1,877,470 224 269
Meteor 22,080 154 339
Point Total 378 322

Entry (The Open) #3554
Game Score Points Rank
Meteor 48,070 167 326
Cactus Canyon 1,490,550 219 274
Sopranos 6,698,330 262 231
Starlight 127,670 170 323
Class of 1812 4,623,690 266 227
Point Total 1084 315