The Open Classics I Classics II

Player Name: John Shopple (#250)

Best Entry (The Open) #1097
Game Score Points Rank
Dialed In 382,530 444 49
Diner 2,645,150 345 148
Black Knight Sword of Rage 39,691,290 320 173
F-14 Tomcat 1,608,100 432 61
Jurassic Park 97,059,640 418 75
Point Total 1959 103

Best Entry (Classics I) #1853
Game Score Points Rank
Spanish Eyes 33,690 420 73
Cosmic Princess 285,930 448 45
Dolly 75,760 397 96
Sinbad 105,020 427 66
Point Total 1692 182

Best Entry (Classics II) #1854
Game Score Points Rank
Dolly 137,480 454 39
Flash 234,300 477 16
Black Pyramid 278,810 450 43
Frontier 240,500 440 53
Point Total 1821 72

Other Submitted Entries for The Open

Entry (The Open) #506
Game Score Points Rank
Black Knight Sword of Rage 21,247,630 291 202
Jurassic Park 50,665,390 369 124
F-14 Tomcat 988,930 374 119
Dialed In 378,120 442 51
Indy 500 86,675,650 311 182
Point Total 1787 154

Entry (The Open) #507
Game Score Points Rank
Diner 4,678,330 421 72
Black Knight Sword of Rage 104,879,270 403 90
Dialed In 390,920 445 48
Jurassic Park 5,529,260 178 315
F-14 Tomcat 553,520 289 204
Point Total 1736 169

Entry (The Open) #998
Game Score Points Rank
Scared Stiff 1,382,720 294 199
Viking 34,990 131 362
F-14 Tomcat 930,120 370 123
Cactus Canyon 9,411,810 326 167
Starlight 209,110 261 232
Point Total 1382 277

Entry (The Open) #999 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Jurassic Park 29,802,170 317 176
F-14 Tomcat 1,285,880 410 83
Diner 2,329,240 325 168
Dialed In 34,130 221 272
Starlight 228,570 274 219
Point Total 1547 241

Entry (The Open) #1000
Game Score Points Rank
Cactus Canyon 3,570,420 238 255
Scared Stiff 6,411,210 363 130
Jurassic Park 30,747,000 323 170
Black Knight Sword of Rage 17,098,590 274 219
F-14 Tomcat 648,910 309 184
Point Total 1507 250

Entry (The Open) #1096
Game Score Points Rank
Dialed In 37,240 228 265
F-14 Tomcat 832,940 352 141
Diner 1,241,130 248 245
Black Knight Sword of Rage 169,615,360 456 37
Scared Stiff 8,422,170 389 104
Point Total 1673 189

Entry (The Open) #1098
Game Score Points Rank
Dialed In 45,710 242 251
Jurassic Park 22,264,630 283 210
Black Knight Sword of Rage 127,905,950 429 64
Diner 3,302,870 375 118
F-14 Tomcat 2,971,970 476 17
Point Total 1805 148

Entry (The Open) #3422 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Dialed In 268,750 412 81
F-14 Tomcat 2,445,180 462 31
Black Knight Sword of Rage 32,891,430 311 182
Diner 2,533,070 340 153
Jurassic Park 18,779,070 257 236
Point Total 1782 154

Entry (The Open) #3491 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Jurassic Park 4,463,580 167 326
Point Total 167 325

Entry (The Open) #3506
Game Score Points Rank
Dialed In 171,100 349 144
F-14 Tomcat 536,340 287 206
Black Knight Sword of Rage 19,660,640 288 205
Diner 1,625,310 285 208
Jurassic Park 6,786,050 187 306
Point Total 1396 273