The Open Classics I Classics II

Player Name: Emily Cosson (#210)

Best Entry (The Open) #359
Game Score Points Rank
Black Rose 26,612,220 437 56
Banzai Run 1,132,080 408 85
Diner 1,386,190 260 233
Meteor 337,380 405 88
Cactus Canyon 27,158,560 452 41
Point Total 1962 101

Other Submitted Entries for The Open

Entry (The Open) #358
Game Score Points Rank
Dialed In 126,790 320 173
Alice Cooper's Nightmare Castle 5,963,610 313 180
Banzai Run 802,500 354 139
Black Rose 37,642,800 451 42
Diner 5,106,420 431 62
Point Total 1869 125

Entry (The Open) #983 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Black Rose 7,047,140 313 180
Banzai Run 1,085,520 397 96
Diner 1,424,790 266 227
Alice Cooper's Nightmare Castle 24,429,471 439 54
Viking 29,130 115 378
Point Total 1530 246

Entry (The Open) #3182 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Alice Cooper's Nightmare Castle 4,624,740 289 204
Cactus Canyon 1,737,900 221 272
Point Total 510 322

Entry (The Open) #3332 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Black Rose 1,781,090 223 270
Banzai Run 594,680 320 173
Meteor 77,840 194 299
Point Total 737 320

Entry (The Open) #3444
Game Score Points Rank
Black Rose 22,101,850 417 76
Banzai Run 514,120 305 188
Cactus Canyon 18,355,150 416 77
Meteor 184,100 288 205
Point Total 1426 266