The Open Classics I Classics II

Player Name: Lewis Bevans (#176)

Best Entry (The Open) #2790
Game Score Points Rank
Alice Cooper's Nightmare Castle 87,826,152 481 12
Black Knight Sword of Rage 421,762,480 489 4
Banzai Run 2,699,710 478 15
Black Rose 9,919,720 344 149
Rescue 911 6,025,371,350 488 5
Point Total 2280 14

Best Entry (Classics II) #3111
Game Score Points Rank
Catacomb 555,340 488 5
Frontier 132,180 405 88
Sinbad 227,320 472 21
Comet 374,640 449 44
Point Total 1814 75

Other Submitted Entries for The Open

Entry (The Open) #1419
Game Score Points Rank
Rescue 911 459,718,210 456 37
Dialed In 118,390 315 178
Black Knight Sword of Rage 284,293,080 481 12
Alice Cooper's Nightmare Castle 7,463,440 336 157
Viking 800,680 483 10
Point Total 2071 71

Entry (The Open) #1420 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Viking 48,820 167 326
Banzai Run 763,370 348 145
Starlight 119,040 162 331
Dialed In 269,750 413 80
Radical 2,469,070 279 214
Point Total 1369 282

Entry (The Open) #1632
Game Score Points Rank
Viking 173,450 352 141
Alice Cooper's Nightmare Castle 54,284,751 475 18
Black Knight Sword of Rage 93,513,330 387 106
Black Rose 86,301,670 477 16
Rescue 911 6,048,813,620 489 4
Point Total 2180 45

Entry (The Open) #1633
Game Score Points Rank
Black Knight Sword of Rage 10,467,920 255 238
Banzai Run 1,202,620 416 77
Starlight 159,260 200 293
Black Rose 55,679,220 464 29
Class of 1812 17,041,050 464 29
Point Total 1799 152

Entry (The Open) #2191 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Alice Cooper's Nightmare Castle 14,943,170 388 105
Class of 1812 4,969,480 280 213
Black Rose 8,242,820 328 165
Black Knight Sword of Rage 29,748,700 310 183
Diner 1,604,570 284 209
Point Total 1590 217

Entry (The Open) #2213 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Black Knight Sword of Rage 99,115,330 393 100
Alice Cooper's Nightmare Castle 69,766,931 476 17
Black Rose 12,541,950 373 120
Meteor 162,450 272 221
Viking 277,690 426 67
Point Total 1940 109

Entry (The Open) #2530 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Black Knight Sword of Rage 111,613,320 413 80
Viking 325,720 437 56
Alice Cooper's Nightmare Castle 35,729,011 456 37
Point Total 1306 289

Other Submitted Entries for Classics II

Entry (Classics II) #3239 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Catacomb 681,450 489 4
Sinbad 34,920 401 92
Point Total 890 220

Entry (Classics II) #3306
Game Score Points Rank
Comet 42,300 397 96
Point Total 397 223