Modern Classics

Player Name: Alex Tada (#192)

Division: Modern
Game Score Points Rank Played
Space Station 5,548,700 94 2 7
Jurassic Park 375,255,960 89 5 1
Ghostbusters 299,518,370 79 15 8
Wipeout 439,275,830 76 18 4
Lost in Space 101,728,570 76 18 11
Big Buck Hunter 13,374,370 73 21 12
Best 6 Game Point Total: 487 21
Games not included
Funhouse 13,176,370 72 22 16
Twilight Zone 394,182,800 60 34 6
Road Kings 1,230,620 54 40 9
Creature From the Black Lagoon 73,242,850 50 44 13
Eight Ball Champ 406,190 33 61 4
Wheel of Fortune 2,805,720 18 76 4

Division: Classics
Game Score Points Rank Played
Blackjack 149,150 46 48 1
HotDoggin 251,140 43 51 1
Best 5 Game Point Total: 89 70