Modern Classics

Player Name: Dave Stewart (#154)

Division: Modern
Game Score Points Rank Played
Twister 3,062,295,020 100 1 4
Demolition Man 3,672,375,060 100 1 3
Godzilla 567,745,820 91 3 4
Doctor Who 1,102,223,050 88 6 2
Torpedo Alley 5,474,010 86 8 5
Waterworld 382,489,340 79 15 6
Best 6 Game Point Total: 544 5
Games not included
The Getaway 152,425,590 64 30 3
Laser War 1,428,880 56 38 7
Hoops 2,645,980 53 41 3
Walking Dead LE 91,052,970 49 45 1
Grand Lizard 404,740 34 60 4
Lord of the Rings 10,848,700 29 65 1

Division: Classics
Game Score Points Rank Played
Dragonfist 705,940 86 8 6
Flash Gordon 1,238,690 85 9 4
Rock 2,934,820 84 10 1
Skateball 1,564,080 76 18 6
Hokus Pokus 123,190 73 21 6
Best 5 Game Point Total: 404 17
Games not included
Cleopatra 125,280 53 41 7
Jacks Open 93,450 52 42 9