Modern Classics

Player Name: Raymond Davidson (#126)

Division: Modern
Game Score Points Rank Played
Doctor Who 1,207,295,270 90 4 7
Godzilla 457,118,400 90 4 6
Twister 1,544,492,660 89 5 9
Lord of the Rings 70,893,480 88 6 1
Waterworld 537,639,820 88 6 3
Demolition Man 2,558,098,260 86 8 8
Best 6 Game Point Total: 531 9
Games not included
Torpedo Alley 4,921,710 83 11 5
The Getaway 236,456,330 75 19 7
Walking Dead LE 111,465,570 56 38 2
Grand Lizard 508,620 40 54 2

Division: Classics
Game Score Points Rank Played
Flash Gordon 1,885,370 100 1 2
Dragonfist 1,604,500 91 3 2
Hokus Pokus 164,980 87 7 2
Skateball 1,235,530 68 26 2
Rock 1,763,640 65 29 3
Best 5 Game Point Total: 411 8
Games not included
Jacks Open 100,770 62 32 3