Modern Classics

Player Name: Zachary Parks (#119)

Division: Modern
Game Score Points Rank Played
Waterworld 551,502,470 90 4 3
Doctor Who 689,273,660 79 15 13
Grand Lizard 1,308,410 71 23 8
Laser War 1,746,930 70 24 6
Lord of the Rings 30,823,880 66 28 2
Demolition Man 888,745,700 63 31 7
Best 6 Game Point Total: 439 32
Games not included
Hoops 3,084,390 60 34 8
Walking Dead LE 101,546,600 52 42 4
Torpedo Alley 1,877,330 52 42 2
Godzilla 76,694,250 51 43 3
The Getaway 33,660,630 24 70 1

Division: Classics
Game Score Points Rank Played
Flash Gordon 1,508,640 90 4 6
Skateball 2,038,040 84 10 11
Hokus Pokus 130,420 81 13 6
Dragonfist 540,810 77 17 5
Cleopatra 187,560 76 18 16
Best 5 Game Point Total: 408 12
Games not included
Rock 1,859,460 70 24 6
Jacks Open 106,250 68 26 9