Modern Classics

Player Name: Zac Wollons (#111)

Division: Modern
Game Score Points Rank Played
Laser War 2,361,780 82 12 8
Torpedo Alley 3,331,120 75 19 3
Hoops 4,080,220 71 23 8
Demolition Man 1,062,790,970 69 25 9
Grand Lizard 1,138,040 66 28 18
Walking Dead LE 133,871,790 64 30 7
Best 6 Game Point Total: 427 38
Games not included
The Getaway 134,634,810 61 33 6
Godzilla 105,943,360 61 33 7
Lord of the Rings 27,286,100 57 37 2
Doctor Who 199,814,190 50 44 5
Twister 523,675,890 44 50 6
Waterworld 164,808,790 35 59 4

Division: Classics
Game Score Points Rank Played
Flash Gordon 1,476,920 89 5 10
Dragonfist 663,780 83 11 10
Rock 2,405,900 82 12 6
Jacks Open 117,660 76 18 12
Skateball 1,524,590 75 19 5
Best 5 Game Point Total: 405 15
Games not included
Cleopatra 181,010 74 20 18
Hokus Pokus 103,730 57 37 14