Modern Classics

Player Name: Sanjay Shah (#107)

Division: Modern
Game Score Points Rank Played
Hoops 9,763,040 94 2 23
Grand Lizard 2,912,520 91 3 3
Lord of the Rings 40,678,270 79 15 3
Walking Dead LE 186,635,540 76 18 4
Demolition Man 1,224,746,910 74 20 5
Waterworld 351,587,190 74 20 6
Best 6 Game Point Total: 488 21
Games not included
The Getaway 121,431,500 57 37 7

Division: Classics
Game Score Points Rank Played
Flash Gordon 1,221,430 84 10 4
Dragonfist 638,810 81 13 4
Skateball 1,793,360 79 15 2
Jacks Open 120,480 78 16 5
Hokus Pokus 129,190 78 16 4
Best 5 Game Point Total: 400 19
Games not included
Rock 1,943,920 72 22 10
Cleopatra 91,490 35 59 8