Modern Classics

Player Name: Zach Sharpe (#164)

Division: Modern
Game Score Points Rank Played
Congo 1,060,286,100 85 9 5
Johnny Mnemonic 4,542,230,100 85 9 10
Attack From Mars 7,218,990,050 85 9 8
Arena 4,492,540 83 11 3
JackBot 4,105,667,450 82 12 7
Stargate 317,892,670 77 17 4
Best 6 Game Point Total: 497 16
Games not included
The Walking Dead 88,022,490 77 17 10
Party Zone 26,575,370 68 26 3
Rocky & Bullwinkle 84,657,690 50 44 1

Division: Classics
Game Score Points Rank Played
Wild Card 1,365,540 100 1 4
Cheetah 2,401,740 94 2 4
Abra Ca Dabra 126,730 88 6 2
Tag-Team 2,604,800 73 21 2
Beat the Clock 509,230 55 39 2
Best 5 Game Point Total: 410 14
Games not included
Future Spa 123,110 44 50 4
Viking 106,130 42 52 5