Modern Classics

Player Name: Brian O'Neill (#156)

Division: Modern
Game Score Points Rank Played
Party Zone 60,366,000 84 10 5
Arena 3,953,220 81 13 5
Congo 833,452,510 78 16 4
JackBot 2,931,041,510 74 20 3
Stargate 265,854,120 71 23 1
Attack From Mars 2,646,968,670 62 32 7
Best 6 Game Point Total: 450 26
Games not included
Rocky & Bullwinkle 98,414,650 54 40 11
The Walking Dead 14,644,410 43 51 3
Johnny Mnemonic 627,737,740 42 52 1

Division: Classics
Game Score Points Rank Played
Beat the Clock 504,020 52 42 1
Abra Ca Dabra 41,080 48 46 1
Cheetah 575,600 45 49 1
Wild Card 214,000 39 55 1
Tag-Team 237,530 33 61 1
Best 5 Game Point Total: 217 63
Games not included
Viking 22,420 30 64 1
Future Spa 40,570 29 65 1