Modern Classics

Player Name: Keith Elwin (#147)

Division: Modern
Game Score Points Rank Played
The Walking Dead 306,926,230 100 1 2
Arena 10,075,220 94 2 1
Johnny Mnemonic 11,911,961,920 90 4 3
JackBot 5,159,290,910 87 7 4
Stargate 459,115,260 87 7 5
Attack From Mars 6,908,112,850 84 10 1
Best 6 Game Point Total: 542 3
Games not included
Congo 572,752,720 67 27 5
Party Zone 12,419,790 52 42 2

Division: Classics
Game Score Points Rank Played
Tag-Team 5,548,180 94 2 4
Wild Card 904,280 88 6 3
Future Spa 455,130 87 7 3
Cheetah 1,713,850 86 8 1
Beat the Clock 1,893,080 86 8 4
Best 5 Game Point Total: 441 2
Games not included
Viking 51,940 32 62 1