Modern Classics

Player Name: Rachel Helm (#143)

Division: Modern
Game Score Points Rank Played
Attack From Mars 2,157,238,200 59 35 9
Party Zone 13,303,860 56 38 2
Stargate 99,108,760 46 48 2
Arena 632,010 44 50 5
Rocky & Bullwinkle 32,374,410 36 58 2
The Walking Dead 7,443,970 34 60 3
Best 6 Game Point Total: 275 57
Games not included
Johnny Mnemonic 368,507,050 34 60 2
JackBot 338,565,120 30 64 1

Division: Classics
Game Score Points Rank Played
Future Spa 156,000 51 43 3
Tag-Team 444,590 44 50 1
Beat the Clock 312,050 40 54 2
Abra Ca Dabra 19,580 33 61 2
Viking 38,240 31 63 1
Best 5 Game Point Total: 199 64
Games not included
Cheetah 378,100 31 63 1