Modern Classics

Player Name: Jacob Fuerst (#142)

Division: Modern
Game Score Points Rank Played
Johnny Mnemonic 1,438,075,220 60 34 1
Congo 295,751,460 56 38 1
Rocky & Bullwinkle 100,034,700 55 39 1
JackBot 1,070,745,990 53 41 1
Party Zone 12,619,750 53 41 1
Attack From Mars 1,652,699,580 51 43 1
Best 6 Game Point Total: 328 49
Games not included
Stargate 130,710,760 47 47 4
The Walking Dead 14,622,950 42 52 3
Arena 290,240 31 63 1

Division: Classics
Game Score Points Rank Played
Viking 283,660 69 25 1
Beat the Clock 623,880 63 31 1
Cheetah 606,330 46 48 1
Wild Card 306,150 45 49 2
Abra Ca Dabra 29,830 39 55 1
Best 5 Game Point Total: 262 52
Games not included
Future Spa 68,840 36 58 1