Modern Classics

Player Name: Gene X Hwang (#137)

Division: Modern
Game Score Points Rank Played
Rocky & Bullwinkle 129,260,510 68 26 5
Johnny Mnemonic 1,713,872,050 64 30 4
The Walking Dead 55,224,200 62 32 5
Arena 1,567,490 61 33 2
Attack From Mars 1,825,685,410 56 38 2
Stargate 175,522,010 55 39 2
Best 6 Game Point Total: 366 42
Games not included
Congo 220,221,880 51 43 2
JackBot 664,966,250 39 55 3
Party Zone 3,084,030 33 61 2

Division: Classics
Game Score Points Rank Played
Wild Card 458,780 61 33 1
Tag-Team 768,650 53 41 1
Viking 119,650 48 46 3
Future Spa 118,440 43 51 3
Beat the Clock 323,410 41 53 1
Best 5 Game Point Total: 246 56
Games not included
Abra Ca Dabra 26,840 36 58 1
Cheetah 281,060 27 67 1