Modern Classics

Player Name: Joseph Salender (#135)

Division: Modern
Game Score Points Rank Played
The Walking Dead 90,763,290 78 16 3
Congo 576,936,560 68 26 2
Stargate 255,342,320 68 26 18
Rocky & Bullwinkle 123,351,740 66 28 17
Party Zone 22,019,290 65 29 15
Arena 1,536,860 60 34 14
Best 6 Game Point Total: 405 35
Games not included
JackBot 1,374,435,760 59 35 4
Attack From Mars 1,648,542,370 50 44 16
Johnny Mnemonic 682,295,780 45 49 5

Division: Classics
Game Score Points Rank Played
Abra Ca Dabra 90,690 78 16 2
Wild Card 616,410 72 22 4
Viking 261,200 66 28 3
Cheetah 932,620 61 33 12
Beat the Clock 588,370 59 35 10
Best 5 Game Point Total: 336 37
Games not included
Tag-Team 740,330 51 43 6
Future Spa 138,480 50 44 6