Modern Classics

Player Name: Germain Mariolle (#121)

Division: Modern
Game Score Points Rank Played
Arena 5,315,420 90 4 7
JackBot 4,954,280,880 86 8 13
Party Zone 67,983,500 85 9 24
Congo 957,542,700 83 11 17
Rocky & Bullwinkle 149,694,680 76 18 12
Stargate 311,407,330 76 18 25
Best 6 Game Point Total: 496 17
Games not included
Attack From Mars 1,834,256,980 57 37 5
The Walking Dead 24,569,730 49 45 6
Johnny Mnemonic 666,407,780 44 50 3

Division: Classics
Game Score Points Rank Played
Beat the Clock 649,950 64 30 1
Viking 208,230 60 34 2
Tag-Team 1,022,580 56 38 2
Future Spa 136,920 49 45 6
Cheetah 636,370 47 47 7
Best 5 Game Point Total: 276 50
Games not included
Abra Ca Dabra 33,940 41 53 6
Wild Card 208,260 38 56 1