Modern Classics

Player Name: Chris Harkins (#113)

Division: Modern
Game Score Points Rank Played
The Walking Dead 151,842,250 89 5 9
Rocky & Bullwinkle 200,239,240 82 12 2
Arena 2,870,250 74 20 10
JackBot 2,174,142,520 69 25 6
Party Zone 24,527,830 66 28 12
Congo 512,841,470 63 31 14
Best 6 Game Point Total: 443 29
Games not included
Johnny Mnemonic 1,164,229,040 57 37 3
Attack From Mars 1,125,410,100 39 55 4

Division: Classics
Game Score Points Rank Played
Future Spa 459,940 89 5 2
Beat the Clock 1,491,030 81 13 1
Tag-Team 2,640,890 75 19 16
Viking 266,100 68 26 20
Cheetah 962,070 66 28 12
Best 5 Game Point Total: 379 26
Games not included
Wild Card 387,140 54 40 1