Modern Classics

Player Name: Damien Charléty (#110)

Division: Modern
Game Score Points Rank Played
Congo 1,312,717,640 89 5 4
Party Zone 68,623,990 86 8 14
Arena 3,911,210 80 14 8
JackBot 3,836,209,670 79 15 4
Attack From Mars 3,526,570,720 72 22 5
Stargate 259,395,690 69 25 17
Best 6 Game Point Total: 475 21
Games not included
The Walking Dead 41,541,730 56 38 15
Johnny Mnemonic 1,112,937,180 55 39 5
Rocky & Bullwinkle 88,710,780 51 43 6

Division: Classics
Game Score Points Rank Played
Cheetah 1,883,870 90 4 2
Beat the Clock 1,504,020 82 12 2
Wild Card 705,860 78 16 2
Future Spa 311,740 76 18 2
Tag-Team 2,638,340 74 20 12
Best 5 Game Point Total: 400 17
Games not included
Viking 247,840 64 30 7
Abra Ca Dabra 51,380 54 40 3