Modern Classics

Player Name: Robert Gagno (#107)

Division: Modern
Game Score Points Rank Played
Congo 1,763,221,950 100 1 9
Stargate 678,757,210 94 2 11
Attack From Mars 9,278,512,210 94 2 7
Party Zone 98,639,530 89 5 5
The Walking Dead 123,370,430 86 8 5
Rocky & Bullwinkle 219,164,210 85 9 12
Best 6 Game Point Total: 548 1
Games not included
JackBot 4,913,248,240 85 9 7
Johnny Mnemonic 3,351,452,880 82 12 9
Arena 1,599,690 62 32 10

Division: Classics
Game Score Points Rank Played
Tag-Team 5,341,880 91 3 2
Abra Ca Dabra 101,150 84 10 4
Viking 480,730 83 11 17
Beat the Clock 1,623,740 83 11 5
Wild Card 720,580 79 15 2
Best 5 Game Point Total: 420 7
Games not included
Future Spa 310,800 74 20 9
Cheetah 953,950 65 29 9