Modern Classics

Player Name: Jim Belsito (#101)

Division: Modern
Game Score Points Rank Played
JackBot 5,837,125,800 89 5 1
The Walking Dead 135,939,000 88 6 5
Party Zone 81,720,880 88 6 6
Rocky & Bullwinkle 212,240,940 84 10 1
Johnny Mnemonic 4,352,341,660 84 10 7
Attack From Mars 6,247,425,910 83 11 2
Best 6 Game Point Total: 516 11
Games not included
Congo 875,604,770 80 14 4
Stargate 255,068,090 67 27 4

Division: Classics
Game Score Points Rank Played
Abra Ca Dabra 138,380 94 2 2
Viking 575,670 89 5 5
Beat the Clock 2,128,820 88 6 6
Future Spa 302,400 72 22 7
Cheetah 1,010,030 69 25 4
Best 5 Game Point Total: 412 12
Games not included
Wild Card 388,940 55 39 1
Tag-Team 308,300 37 57 3