Harvest Festival 2016
Main Classics Thursday Daily Friday Daily

Player Name: Chris Tabaka (#55)

Division: Main
Game Score Points Rank Played
Corvette 1,889,179,950 100 1 1
Taxi 5,512,630 100 1 1
Wheel of Fortune 37,256,170 91 3 1
Metallica 86,518,240 89 5 2
Road Show 333,435,380 85 9 2
Best 5 Game Point Total: 465 2
Games not included
Game of Thrones 309,826,480 85 9 2

Division: Classics
Game Score Points Rank Played
Mystic 746,350 94 2 3
Time Fantasy 689,820 85 9 2
Tri Zone 222,730 84 10 2
Best 3 Game Point Total: 263 5