Free Play Florida 2018
Main Classics Womens

Player Name: Katherine Briguglio (#209)

Division: Main
Game Score Points Rank Played
World Cup Soccer 383,200,780 40 55 1
Grand Prix 341,040 29 66 1
Jacks Open 60,140 27 68 2
Dracula 20,234,810 25 70 1
Devil's Dare 152,850 22 73 1
Best 5 Game Point Total: 143 97
Games not included
Quick Draw 17,850 12 83 1

Division: Classics
Game Score Points Rank Played
Lost World 38,320 34 61 1
Drop-A-Card 2,031 33 62 1
Centigrade 37 75,730 32 63 1
2001 250 29 66 1
Best 4 Game Point Total: 128 71
Games not included
Volley 20,210 27 68 1

Division: Womens
Game Score Points Rank Played
Metallica 21,996,520 84 11 3
The Addams Family 41,255,500 84 11 1
Demolition Man 237,026,060 81 14 1
Taxi 1,080,170 80 15 2
Best 4 Game Point Total: 329 16
Games not included
The Machine: Bride of Pinbot 2,112,980 76 19 1
The Walking Dead (Womens) 10,643,010 76 19 1