Expo Flip-Out 2019
Main Classics Womens and Kids

Player Name: Dominic Kacich (#272)

Division: Main
Game Score Points Rank Played
Elvira 143,019,280 81 7 1
Star Wars (Pro) 1,244,903,070 78 10 2
Deadpool 715,404,940 76 12 1
Star Trek 105,093,660 68 20 1
Black Knight Prem 128,308,610 66 22 1
Guardians of the Galaxy 310,918,380 61 27 1
Best 6 Game Point Total: 430 16
Games not included
Jurassic Park Pro 184,189,370 57 31 2
Iron Maiden Prem 174,338,880 53 35 1
Beatles 2,529,170 50 38 2