Expo Flip-Out 2019
Main Classics Womens and Kids

Player Name: Zach Sharpe (#200)

Division: Main
Game Score Points Rank Played
Iron Maiden Prem 577,016,650 100 1 1
Munsters 74,124,000 82 6 1
Deadpool 824,103,160 80 8 1
Star Wars (PIN) 5,356,680 72 16 1
Star Trek 122,585,130 72 16 1
Guardians of the Galaxy 455,012,020 71 17 2
Best 6 Game Point Total: 477 6
Games not included
Black Knight Prem 120,634,350 64 24 1
Jurassic Park Pro 231,076,560 63 25 2
Beatles 2,358,630 42 46 1
Star Wars (Pro) 162,011,690 38 50 1

Division: Classics
Game Score Points Rank Played
Car Hop 21,390,740 79 9 3
Flash Gordon 1,275,230 75 13 2
Fireball 60,880 73 15 2
Aces & Kings 4,532 67 21 7
Future Spa 456,960 59 29 4
Stellar Wars 323,850 41 47 9
Best 6 Game Point Total: 394 15