Expo Flip-Out 2015
Open Classics

Player Name: Nate Shivers (#184)

Division: Open
Game Score Points Rank Played
Kiss 39,444,450 26 62 2
Game of Thrones 118,827,780 0 90 3
Wrestlemania 9,595,150 0 100 1
The Walking Dead 18,523,270 0 111 1
Mustang 22,440,520 0 109 2
Whoa Nellie 1,265 0 89 1
Xmen 9,995,790 0 100 1
Best 7 Game Point Total: 26 104

Division: Classics
Game Score Points Rank Played
Strikes & Spares 144,940 22 66 2
Warlock 205,290 16 72 1
Eight Ball Deluxe 469,650 2 86 1
Ali 108,410 0 96 1
Best 4 Game Point Total: 40 84