
Player Name: Fabio Gravina (#121)

Best Entry (B) #258
Game Score Points Rank
Getaway 32,910,700 49 39
Rock Star (EM) 320,920 66 22
WHO Dunnit 545,057,300 63 25
WrestleMania 45,557,410 75 13
Sopranos 34,326,040 69 19
Point Total 322 16

Other Submitted Entries for B

Entry (B) #144
Game Score Points Rank
Rock Star (EM) 156,990 58 30
Metallica 3,941,230 24 64
Game of Thrones 5,027,880 41 47
Fish Tales 18,559,180 57 31
WrestleMania 9,657,780 42 46
Point Total 222 23

Entry (B) #152
Game Score Points Rank
WHO Dunnit 229,901,510 39 49
WrestleMania 32,872,330 71 17
Sopranos 8,594,200 43 45
Rock Star (EM) 390,100 67 21
Fish Tales 10,120,770 39 49
Point Total 259 21

Entry (B) #207 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Sopranos 20,296,420 58 30
Fish Tales 4,961,320 19 69
Game of Thrones 26,405,440 55 33
Getaway 57,790,790 69 19
WHO Dunnit 187,514,940 34 54
Point Total 235 23

Entry (B) #241 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Getaway 23,173,290 41 47
Rock Star (EM) 153,240 57 31
WHO Dunnit 140,844,510 30 58
WrestleMania 18,280,490 60 28
Game of Thrones 106,815,800 67 21
Point Total 255 21

Entry (B) #329 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
WrestleMania 15,265,330 58 30
WHO Dunnit 347,159,510 52 36
Getaway 10,169,710 21 67
Game of Thrones 12,045,310 50 38
Rock Star (EM) 206,040 61 27
Point Total 242 22