CNEPC 2018
Main Classics Friday Womens Classics Sunday

Player Name: Terry Holland (#213)

Division: Main
Game Score Points Rank Played
Starship Troopers 50,016,740 172 16 2
Iron Maiden 113,727,380 168 20 2
Force II 475,330 162 26 2
Corvette 386,437,480 162 26 2
Roller Coaster Tycoon 3,944,610 150 38 2
Best 5 Game Point Total: 814 47
Games not included
Guardians of the Galaxy 50,247,000 148 40 2
Dialed In 81,980 140 48 3
Demolition Man 129,838,000 140 48 2
Attack From Mars 736,564,380 136 52 2
Baywatch 59,369,660 133 55 1