CNEPC 2018
Main Classics Friday Womens Classics Sunday

Player Name: Myles Cameron (#104)

Division: Main
Game Score Points Rank Played
Guardians of the Galaxy 149,941,360 173 15 3
Dialed In 501,980 171 17 1
Force II 554,170 165 23 6
Iron Maiden 79,541,430 156 32 3
Attack From Mars 1,380,602,440 155 33 5
Best 5 Game Point Total: 820 42

Division: Classics Friday
Game Score Points Rank Played
Stars 137,710 183 5 1
Jungle Lord 227,180 177 11 1
Six Million Dollar Man 172,730 175 13 1
Volley 98,190 169 19 7
Dragon 399,400 166 22 5
Best 5 Game Point Total: 870 21
Games not included
Strikes and Spares 63,680 148 40 1