Main Classics

Player Name: Lisa Arthur (#197)

Division: Main
Game Score Points Rank Played
JackBot 510,386,520 27 61 1
Taxi 889,480 19 69 1
Meteor 191,720 14 74 3
Guardians of the Galaxy 20,349,360 14 74 1
Metallica 4,341,650 12 76 1
Best 5 Game Point Total: 86 94
Games not included
Iron Man 3,045,490 4 84 2
High Speed 214,310 0 88 2

Division: Classics
Game Score Points Rank Played
Big Game 711,460 64 24 2
Prospector 615,400 49 39 2
Nitro Ground Shaker 123,880 24 64 3
Flash Gordon 139,080 20 68 3
Best 4 Game Point Total: 157 62
Games not included
Jungle Queen 65,910 18 70 3
Count Down 77,540 15 73 5