Main Classics

Player Name: Lewis Bevans (#195)

Division: Main
Game Score Points Rank Played
Guardians of the Galaxy 850,371,630 90 2 7
Deadpool 531,024,490 81 7 8
Taxi 3,467,960 77 11 6
Metallica 65,645,350 76 12 7
Iron Man 29,189,240 71 17 1
Best 5 Game Point Total: 395 15
Games not included
JackBot 2,401,976,490 67 21 10
TX Sector 3,622,140 58 30 13
High Speed 1,620,800 46 42 3
Meteor 387,150 29 59 3

Division: Classics
Game Score Points Rank Played
Prospector 1,178,000 100 1 1
Count Down 377,810 81 7 5
Nitro Ground Shaker 400,790 69 19 1
Jungle Queen 100,190 56 32 6
Best 4 Game Point Total: 306 15