Main Classics

Player Name: Jared Schmidt (#191)

Division: Main
Game Score Points Rank Played
Iron Man 49,706,910 80 8 10
Guardians of the Galaxy 263,491,780 68 20 2
Metallica 45,088,220 65 23 5
High Speed 3,639,340 63 25 3
Meteor 725,240 61 27 11
Best 5 Game Point Total: 337 30
Games not included
JackBot 1,759,380,840 58 30 13
Taxi 1,042,170 33 55 6

Division: Classics
Game Score Points Rank Played
Big Game 701,060 62 26 3
Flash Gordon 396,210 47 41 3
Prospector 568,500 42 46 1
Count Down 132,890 41 47 14
Best 4 Game Point Total: 192 51
Games not included
Jungle Queen 79,410 34 54 5
Nitro Ground Shaker 84,710 11 77 1