Main Classics

Player Name: Adam Mckinnie (#181)

Division: Main
Game Score Points Rank Played
TX Sector 6,319,280 78 10 1
Meteor 885,460 70 18 7
Taxi 2,579,530 70 18 8
Metallica 52,070,950 68 20 9
Deadpool 280,174,600 68 20 7
Best 5 Game Point Total: 354 27
Games not included
Guardians of the Galaxy 187,881,050 61 27 16
High Speed 3,041,940 59 29 14
JackBot 1,850,300,210 59 29 12
Iron Man 10,187,160 29 59 2

Division: Classics
Game Score Points Rank Played
Big Game 1,033,010 83 5 2
Count Down 143,560 45 43 5
Nitro Ground Shaker 176,020 36 52 3
Prospector 334,500 20 68 1
Best 4 Game Point Total: 184 54
Games not included
Jungle Queen 65,790 17 71 2
Flash Gordon 94,410 11 77 1