Main Classics

Player Name: Monica Murie (#161)

Division: Main
Game Score Points Rank Played
JackBot 1,038,919,110 46 42 1
High Speed 1,016,900 30 58 2
TX Sector 1,052,360 21 67 2
Iron Man 5,658,530 9 79 1
Guardians of the Galaxy 6,172,870 7 81 1
Best 5 Game Point Total: 113 90
Games not included
Meteor 62,160 0 89 2

Division: Classics
Game Score Points Rank Played
Count Down 105,920 32 56 4
Big Game 302,750 29 59 1
Prospector 289,400 16 72 2
Jungle Queen 46,240 4 84 3
Best 4 Game Point Total: 81 83
Games not included
Nitro Ground Shaker 64,090 3 85 1