Main Classics

Player Name: Derek Fugate (#160)

Division: Main
Game Score Points Rank Played
TX Sector 4,227,170 64 24 4
Guardians of the Galaxy 207,235,480 64 24 1
Taxi 1,590,690 57 31 10
Metallica 35,138,020 55 33 2
High Speed 1,971,910 51 37 5
Best 5 Game Point Total: 291 39
Games not included
Meteor 592,930 49 39 4
JackBot 690,766,320 31 57 3
Iron Man 9,687,050 24 64 2

Division: Classics
Game Score Points Rank Played
Jungle Queen 149,090 90 2 5
Prospector 848,300 78 10 8
Flash Gordon 896,890 70 18 12
Count Down 279,080 70 18 19
Best 4 Game Point Total: 308 13
Games not included
Nitro Ground Shaker 328,430 65 23 3
Big Game 709,970 63 25 6