Main Classics

Player Name: Phil Birnbaum (#147)

Division: Main
Game Score Points Rank Played
JackBot 3,230,122,390 82 6 2
High Speed 4,768,130 76 12 5
Metallica 64,145,480 75 13 1
TX Sector 4,380,350 67 21 2
Taxi 1,849,340 64 24 14
Best 5 Game Point Total: 364 25
Games not included
Deadpool 232,373,490 63 25 5
Guardians of the Galaxy 174,721,180 59 29 7
Iron Man 21,565,690 58 30 8
Meteor 585,390 48 40 9

Division: Classics
Game Score Points Rank Played
Nitro Ground Shaker 1,113,380 90 2 2
Flash Gordon 1,327,880 83 5 11
Prospector 756,700 65 23 2
Count Down 243,800 63 25 6
Best 4 Game Point Total: 301 18
Games not included
Jungle Queen 103,480 62 26 3
Big Game 499,880 46 42 7