Main Classics

Player Name: Ian Verschuren (#144)

Division: Main
Game Score Points Rank Played
Metallica 40,089,330 60 28 4
Taxi 1,564,680 54 34 5
High Speed 1,075,510 34 54 4
Iron Man 10,916,650 33 55 4
Deadpool 64,918,560 30 58 4
Best 5 Game Point Total: 211 63
Games not included
Meteor 300,860 23 65 3
Guardians of the Galaxy 30,345,320 19 69 1

Division: Classics
Game Score Points Rank Played
Jungle Queen 96,690 52 36 2
Big Game 484,920 45 43 3
Flash Gordon 237,660 32 56 2
Nitro Ground Shaker 80,880 10 78 1
Best 4 Game Point Total: 139 66
Games not included
Count Down 40,560 0 88 1