Main Classics

Player Name: Holly Koskinen (#132)

Division: Main
Game Score Points Rank Played
TX Sector 4,444,770 68 20 6
Metallica 49,869,240 66 22 6
Taxi 1,833,350 62 26 6
Meteor 679,780 57 31 13
Iron Man 16,815,630 51 37 11
Best 5 Game Point Total: 304 35
Games not included
Deadpool 121,489,940 49 39 8
Guardians of the Galaxy 90,564,290 41 47 5
JackBot 934,658,440 38 50 4
High Speed 696,780 28 60 7

Division: Classics
Game Score Points Rank Played
Prospector 462,200 33 55 2
Count Down 102,800 28 60 1
Jungle Queen 72,720 23 65 3
Flash Gordon 71,910 8 80 1
Best 4 Game Point Total: 92 80
Games not included
Nitro Ground Shaker 47,020 0 89 1