Main Classics

Player Name: Sanjay Shah (#123)

Division: Main
Game Score Points Rank Played
Metallica 84,661,540 83 5 1
Taxi 3,291,230 75 13 10
JackBot 2,438,054,160 68 20 16
Deadpool 246,682,770 65 23 9
High Speed 3,699,350 65 23 16
Best 5 Game Point Total: 356 26
Games not included
TX Sector 3,296,380 55 33 12
Meteor 651,350 52 36 14
Guardians of the Galaxy 53,374,780 28 60 5

Division: Classics
Game Score Points Rank Played
Prospector 900,600 80 8 1
Nitro Ground Shaker 472,580 75 13 2
Big Game 749,080 72 16 1
Jungle Queen 99,660 54 34 4
Best 4 Game Point Total: 281 28
Games not included
Count Down 170,500 53 35 11