Main Classics

Player Name: Mark Brown OH (#118)

Division: Main
Game Score Points Rank Played
Meteor 1,056,240 76 12 9
Metallica 50,903,140 67 21 18
Guardians of the Galaxy 217,730,000 65 23 4
High Speed 3,657,140 64 24 17
Deadpool 214,604,490 61 27 8
Best 5 Game Point Total: 333 31
Games not included
JackBot 1,338,662,950 53 35 6
Taxi 1,329,020 45 43 6
Iron Man 13,464,800 40 48 3
TX Sector 714,360 17 71 1

Division: Classics
Game Score Points Rank Played
Count Down 155,340 49 39 5
Jungle Queen 85,840 43 45 1
Flash Gordon 188,170 26 62 2
Big Game 284,870 24 64 1
Best 4 Game Point Total: 142 64
Games not included
Prospector 269,000 12 76 1
Nitro Ground Shaker 74,140 7 81 2