Main Classics

Player Name: John Delzoppo (#116)

Division: Main
Game Score Points Rank Played
Metallica 84,973,690 84 4 15
Deadpool 514,340,570 80 8 7
High Speed 5,446,540 80 8 10
JackBot 3,180,287,890 79 9 10
Meteor 940,800 72 16 5
Best 5 Game Point Total: 395 14
Games not included
Taxi 2,935,680 72 16 12
Guardians of the Galaxy 283,629,430 69 19 4
TX Sector 4,485,990 69 19 18
Iron Man 26,392,810 64 24 2

Division: Classics
Game Score Points Rank Played
Prospector 1,081,900 90 2 2
Flash Gordon 1,537,490 90 2 4
Jungle Queen 137,740 82 6 4
Nitro Ground Shaker 437,270 72 16 4
Best 4 Game Point Total: 334 2
Games not included
Big Game 478,700 42 46 2
Count Down 114,010 35 53 2