Main Classics

Player Name: Beau Pendleton (#113)

Division: Main
Game Score Points Rank Played
Taxi 3,470,680 78 10 2
Meteor 972,040 74 14 15
TX Sector 4,627,130 70 18 10
Iron Man 26,864,860 66 22 9
Metallica 40,959,630 61 27 17
Best 5 Game Point Total: 349 28
Games not included
Guardians of the Galaxy 177,087,390 60 28 16
Deadpool 56,106,240 28 60 3
High Speed 657,620 23 65 4

Division: Classics
Game Score Points Rank Played
Nitro Ground Shaker 215,080 45 43 2
Big Game 387,930 37 51 1
Count Down 119,750 36 52 2
Prospector 430,400 30 58 2
Best 4 Game Point Total: 148 63
Games not included
Flash Gordon 100,200 13 75 1