Main Classics

Player Name: Mike Gin (#200)

Division: Main
Game Score Points Rank Played
Iron Man 17,492,320 57 31 2
The Addams Family 122,821,720 56 32 5
World Cup Soccer 537,068,910 44 44 2
Space Station 1,628,200 40 48 4
The Walking Dead 31,199,870 32 56 4
Best 5 Game Point Total: 229 57
Games not included
Genesis 212,110 23 65 1
Centaur 112,060 12 76 1

Division: Classics
Game Score Points Rank Played
Super Orbit 1,460,160 85 3 6
Free Fall 1,111,310 80 8 5
Stingray 440,660 59 29 3
Stars 79,070 57 31 8
Best 4 Game Point Total: 281 26
Games not included
Solar Fire 378,200 27 61 1
Mystic 46,740 9 79 1