Main Classics

Player Name: John Finnegan (#175)

Division: Main
Game Score Points Rank Played
Genesis 4,271,560 68 20 1
Iron Man 18,536,640 59 29 3
Iron Maiden 138,912,430 49 39 4
Space Station 2,192,610 47 41 3
The Walking Dead 60,160,260 45 43 4
Best 5 Game Point Total: 268 47
Games not included
The Addams Family 43,460,370 32 56 2
Indy 500 75,033,950 25 63 2
World Cup Soccer 359,896,350 22 66 6
Centaur 86,060 7 81 1

Division: Classics
Game Score Points Rank Played
Free Fall 158,630 19 69 1
Solar Fire 132,100 17 71 1
Mystic 99,160 15 73 1
Stingray 153,350 13 75 1
Best 4 Game Point Total: 64 78
Games not included
Super Orbit 333,730 12 76 1