Main Classics

Player Name: Angela Pecora (#148)

Division: Main
Game Score Points Rank Played
Iron Man 25,593,670 70 18 2
World Cup Soccer 705,062,650 57 31 4
Iron Maiden 160,675,750 53 35 1
Genesis 645,840 41 47 3
Indy 500 132,994,800 38 50 3
Best 5 Game Point Total: 259 50
Games not included
Space Station 1,321,640 38 50 4
Centaur 465,770 34 54 3
The Addams Family 38,437,410 29 59 2
The Walking Dead 4,806,390 7 81 3

Division: Classics
Game Score Points Rank Played
Free Fall 481,700 50 38 3
Stars 58,720 46 42 3
Solar Fire 561,480 43 45 3
Stingray 342,500 41 47 3
Best 4 Game Point Total: 180 55
Games not included
Super Orbit 639,370 34 54 3
Mystic 77,630 12 76 3