Main Classics

Player Name: Derek Fugate (#136)

Division: Main
Game Score Points Rank Played
Genesis 4,437,290 71 17 5
Space Station 3,287,380 69 19 1
Centaur 1,740,990 68 20 4
The Addams Family 153,993,370 62 26 2
Indy 500 261,602,340 58 30 15
Best 5 Game Point Total: 328 34
Games not included
The Walking Dead 73,880,670 53 35 7
World Cup Soccer 596,642,730 49 39 4
Iron Man 11,300,460 43 45 2

Division: Classics
Game Score Points Rank Played
Free Fall 1,112,900 81 7 8
Super Orbit 1,101,070 75 13 7
Solar Fire 1,264,230 66 22 4
Stars 98,120 64 24 3
Best 4 Game Point Total: 286 22
Games not included
Mystic 399,480 63 25 11
Stingray 390,340 46 42 11