Main Classics

Player Name: Al Raymond (#135)

Division: Main
Game Score Points Rank Played
Iron Man 6,917,040 27 61 1
The Walking Dead 18,750,740 26 62 2
Centaur 250,140 20 68 2
Iron Maiden 24,425,050 16 72 2
The Addams Family 10,172,600 9 79 1
Best 5 Game Point Total: 98 93

Division: Classics
Game Score Points Rank Played
Stingray 464,670 64 24 2
Super Orbit 733,040 39 49 3
Stars 36,060 38 50 1
Mystic 126,700 25 63 3
Best 4 Game Point Total: 166 61
Games not included
Free Fall 97,660 17 71 1