Main Classics

Player Name: Carl Herceg (#125)

Division: Main
Game Score Points Rank Played
World Cup Soccer 667,182,990 55 33 4
The Walking Dead 68,239,810 51 37 1
The Addams Family 97,739,650 48 40 1
Indy 500 172,866,160 46 42 4
Genesis 1,089,170 44 44 4
Best 5 Game Point Total: 244 54
Games not included
Iron Maiden 91,310,810 43 45 2
Iron Man 11,074,690 40 48 7
Centaur 277,770 23 65 2
Space Station 583,640 21 67 1

Division: Classics
Game Score Points Rank Played
Mystic 393,630 62 26 22
Stingray 433,170 56 32 5
Stars 71,690 52 36 3
Free Fall 510,300 51 37 7
Best 4 Game Point Total: 221 43
Games not included
Super Orbit 754,810 43 45 10
Solar Fire 352,210 26 62 2