Main Classics

Player Name: Greg Poverelli (#116)

Division: Main
Game Score Points Rank Played
Iron Man 61,964,440 90 2 14
Iron Maiden 505,270,140 83 5 27
The Addams Family 327,886,790 82 6 25
Centaur 2,409,140 82 6 38
World Cup Soccer 1,493,443,090 78 10 9
Best 5 Game Point Total: 415 6
Games not included
Indy 500 312,090,020 65 23 11
Genesis 2,711,720 58 30 11
The Walking Dead 68,446,660 52 36 18
Space Station 2,266,750 49 39 11

Division: Classics
Game Score Points Rank Played
Free Fall 269,600 25 63 7
Stingray 258,440 22 66 2
Solar Fire 240,050 20 68 3
Super Orbit 328,220 10 78 2
Best 4 Game Point Total: 77 75